Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Something New and Exciting!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
For Today
Outside my window I hope for rain for the garden.
I am wishing desperately to go to the Decemberists concert in Vancouver this August.
I am thankful for quiet moments.
I am learning to reprioritize.
I am sipping a cup of Rat tea from tea farm and wondering if anyone I know is year of the rat.
I am being inspired by fairy tales and the Fables graphic novels.
I am going to Tall Tales Bookshop to get a monthly book membership with the hope the store won’t have to close.
I am smiling at the most beautiful wee girl in the whole wide world.
I am hearing the call of chickens announcing eggs have been laid.
Around the house lay ruins of what once was tidy.
One of my favourite things is my new mug from the market!
A few moments from my week:
Monday, January 10, 2011
And then there were three
She is now 2 months old and no longer cries non-stop, we are no longer afraid of her and life before her is just a hazy memory. Life is getting back on track, the sewing machine has been brought out and dusted off. We have high hopes for this year and we’re looking forward to telling you all about it!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Somethings Missing
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh No, It's Not for Me It's For the Baby!

Organic Cloth Diapers by Sarahs Vine. I don't think I'll be able to make all the cloth diapers we'll need, but we'll see.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wishing I could do this. Found at Sycamore Street Press, made by Freshly Picked. Two new blogs I found while I could be washing dishes at putter speed.
Considering breaking out of my house arrest and hitchhiking to town to do some thrift shopping.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Go Crazy? Don't Mind If I Do!
I have been writing out many many lists, furniture to be rearranged, clothes to sew, how to optimize our storage spaces, canning to try, what to do with the garden, recipes to try, furniture to refinish, projects for next year, colour schemes for each room, and these are just a few not even touching on baby or business lists. Of course when you’re trying to stay calm and keep your blood pressure down it thinking of all the things you can’t do doesn’t help.
So, what have I been up to? I am allowed to slowly putter so I’ve starter a few projects for the baby room. I’ve been hand sewing a flying pig mobile, choosing fabric for some old couch cushions we’re going to use as floor pillows in anticipation of all the time we will soon be spending on the hard wood floor. I sit at the table and prep vegetables for Matt as he fills up our freezer for the winter and tells me to sit back down and stop doing things. I gaze out the window at our chickens digging up bugs in the yard. Most of all? I sit and find beautiful things on the internet and think hey, I want that.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What a Blur
Yes, we have been doing the market this year, however my energy is not what it once was. Bread by Matt has been more of the focus for us, and Matt and I did start up a second blog for our joint business, called Taste and Texture (get it he's all about food, and I'm all about fabric...). Other news? We have 4 wonderful chickens squawking about in the back yard, who are encouraging me for childbirth. If these ladies can lay and egg every day, how hard can it be? GULP.
So, I promise to blog once a week, at least until the baby comes. And I am sorry it's been so long.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Something From the Store: Lentils
1 1/2 Cups Lentils du Puy
1/2 Cup Each Chopped Onion, Cellery and Carrots
3-4 Garlic Cloves
Red Wine of Choice
3-4 Cups (ish) Veg Stock
3 Bay Leaves
4 Cloves
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Plenty is "an eclectic emporium of fine foods and other goods." Pretty much you name it Plenty has it, crafts, books, tea, coffee, magazines, cardboard sculptures, pottery, random awesomeness... it never ends. And now for the last few months I have been lucky enough to be a part of it.
I thought it was going to be an added stress, but given the chaos the our lives have been in, it has been a glowing haven, a calm in the storm if you will. Sure I spend way more money than I'm making there, and yes I have gained an unhealthy addiction to the best brownies ever to grace the earth, but it's worth it.
And coming soon, I'll be doing posts about some of the foo I'm bringing home and how we've been cooking it. First up French Lentils, later today...
19 Days Too Late
Here I am 19 days after the fact, but here none the less and with one bag up resolution! I resolve to blog. Yes that's right fans (um, Dad and hmmm, Anna?) you once again have a window into my life.
Other resolutions?
To finish this darned basement and never think of it again.
To take more pictures. (and then I dropped the camera in the cats water dish...)
To hanker back down at the sewing machine and make some pretty things.
To make our new house our home, rearranging furniture, painting, flea market hunting, over and over until it's perfect. Poor Matt.
Also I have decided that I could right one hell of a Sci-Fi novel if I have the attention span to do so... I mean anyone could write Sci-Fi, right? And so I have resolved to consider doing such a thing, maybe.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
And Back Again
Well, we moved into our very first home. We are the proud owners of a 1959 bungalow with cove ceilings and curved corners (perfect for the clumsy) and a lovely backyard. In our first week we started tearing down walls in the unfinished basement to finish it, we had a big dirty thirties carnival night in honor of Matt turning 30, I got a part time job at Plenty (Pretty much the best store in Victoria), we tore down more walls, I did 2 Christmas craft shows, we had plumber nightmares (plumber on a drinking binge anyone?), I threw my back out, we learned the art of cement laying, and we became proud owners of a cardboard safari moose head.
And that about sums it up. I do have some pictures to show and they will come in the next few days, but I just thought I should give a little hello to the world as I had a few seconds.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Old and Beautiful
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
For Today
I am thinking about going for a stomp through some crisp fall leaves.
I am thankful for our new house that we move into October 30th.
From the kitchen we’ve been having delicious Thanksgiving leftovers… mmm gravy.
I am wearing favourite old knee socks with HUGE holes… how embarrassing.
I am creating prizes for Matt’s 30th birthday party, you can never be too old for goodie bags.
I am going CRAZY with all these things you must think of when buying a house. Building permits, plumbers, mortgage rates, packing, cleaning…
I am reading an Idiots Guide to Remodelling Your Home.
I am hoping to have everything ready for the looming craft shows coming up for Christmas.
I am hearing A Fine Frenzy’s Bomb in a Bird Cage.
Around the house are piles and piles of things I should be doing, boxes to be filled, fabric to be cut, animals to have faces sewn on, tags to be made, clothes to be folded, forms to fill out… oh dear.
One of my favorite things right now is the new show community.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Foo For Thought
Gettin' It Done
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Goods for Becoming Smitten?
Post 100
Where did I go you may be asking yourselves? Well as a girl who doesn't cope with change I had a big change present itself and I was unsure how to proceed. What is this big change? My husband and I are now home owners. Yes, it's time to join the world of grown ups once and for all. After a week or so to process all the changes to come (mostly leaving our apartment of 4 and a half years that I LOVE) I have decided that the only way to feel is stoked. Do people still say stoked, if not they should.
So here it is blog post 100 no where to go but up. I'll be posting pictures of our new home and of all the renos that are in our immediate future soon, but in the mean time let me tell you, 'our house is a very very very fine house!
PS. Anyone in the Victoria area looking for a beautiful apartment with hardwood floors, fireplace, and a gas oven in an old charecter home on Moss Street?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Pit of Despair
I seem to have tripped and stumbled into a pit of despair. So many things happening all at once pulling in all directions and so this is me resolving to pick myself up, dust myself off and charge head on to all that beckons. And what better way to start that with the Princess Bride. Nothing can cheer up a gloomy face like Andre the Giant as Fezzik.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Here Comes Fall
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fur Pile
Friday, September 4, 2009
A Vantasy Picnic
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Whistling Pig
Come on, do you really want to live in a world that is without the Vancouver Island Marmot?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Be My Pen Pal

There is a magical store over in Vancouver called The Regional Assembly of Text that is devoted to text in all forms. The best part is that once a month they offer a letter writers club! These ladies have all these typewriters you can use and supply everything you could need all you have to have is a love of letter writing.
No, I don’t have a cool typewriter, and no I don’t think I have it in me to write 500 people, but perhaps one person multiple times. I have atrocious handwriting but have lots of little goodies that I would love to send off to a special someone. Anyone in the market for a new pen pal?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
For Today
Outside my window there’s not a cloud in the sky.
I am thinking of having an animal give away for September.
I am thankful for friends that let you drag them to an outdoor picture show in the dark and cold that none of you really want to see.
From the kitchen we will be making a tart today.
I am wearing my polka dot red and white skirt I made for my first day at the market.
I am creating 10 new animals for my etsy shop.
I am going to a picnic party in a van at the beach tonight… FUN!!!
I am reading River Cottage Handbook #2… Preserves.
I am hoping to make some pickles soon.
I am hearing Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.
One of my favourite things would be warm bread smothered with butter.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Make a few traveling companions for Late Summer Vantasy
Start a new Becoming Smitten project involving wood
Have a photo session with animals for etsy.
Here is a picture of a custom fox I am sharing...
Party Down
Saturday, August 29, 2009
How to be Intersting?
The first link up there was a fellow named Russ, and what does Russ suggest, you ask? Well it’s 10 simple steps:
1. Take at least one picture everyday.
2. Start a blog. Write at least one sentence every week.
3. Keep a scrapbook
4. Every week, read a magazine you’ve never read before
5. Once a month interview someone for 20 minutes, work out how to make them interesting.
6. Collect something
7. Once a week sit in a coffee-shop or cafe for an hour and listen to other people’s conversations.
8. Every month write 50 words about one piece of visual art, one piece of writing, one piece of music and one piece of film or TV. Do other art forms if you can. Blog about it
9. Make something
10. Read.
Hmmm I said to myself, that doesn’t sound too hard, but will someone back up his claims? I clicked the next link and met Ernest, Ernest Goodman and he had a list of 7 things…
get a hobby, start a campaign, go camping, teach yourself something new, read a book, go geek (In this he suggests starting sentences with basically…,actually…or technically…) and volunteer.
By the third link I was getting bored and didn’t read the whole thing but Essential life said that one can become an interesting person by cultivating a variety of interests, taking a genuine interest in others, reading more, staying on top of current events, and expressing your informed opinions. They also have a list of how to improve your personality, but I didn’t feel the need to click the link.
Should you run into me in the near future and I keep going on and on about how actually I was just camping, and basically I’ve started a new collection and how technically it’s not eavesdropping if they’re shouting their conversation in a coffee shop, make sure to tell me how interesting it all sound.