After learning about the Mysterious Letters that were written in the small Irish village of Cushendall I have come to the realization that life would be better with a pen pal. These two people handwrote 467 personalized letters to each and every person who lived in the town. Some even got gifts! Each letter was a beautiful piece of art and now I have been inspired to write some letters.
There is a magical store over in Vancouver called The Regional Assembly of Text that is devoted to text in all forms. The best part is that once a month they offer a letter writers club! These ladies have all these typewriters you can use and supply everything you could need all you have to have is a love of letter writing.
No, I don’t have a cool typewriter, and no I don’t think I have it in me to write 500 people, but perhaps one person multiple times. I have atrocious handwriting but have lots of little goodies that I would love to send off to a special someone. Anyone in the market for a new pen pal?
letter writing and real mail are pretty much the best things ever.
anyone would be lucky to be yr penpal!!!!
letter writing to a Montreal penpal??? Do I have any takers?
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