I have been writing out many many lists, furniture to be rearranged, clothes to sew, how to optimize our storage spaces, canning to try, what to do with the garden, recipes to try, furniture to refinish, projects for next year, colour schemes for each room, and these are just a few not even touching on baby or business lists. Of course when you’re trying to stay calm and keep your blood pressure down it thinking of all the things you can’t do doesn’t help.
So, what have I been up to? I am allowed to slowly putter so I’ve starter a few projects for the baby room. I’ve been hand sewing a flying pig mobile, choosing fabric for some old couch cushions we’re going to use as floor pillows in anticipation of all the time we will soon be spending on the hard wood floor. I sit at the table and prep vegetables for Matt as he fills up our freezer for the winter and tells me to sit back down and stop doing things. I gaze out the window at our chickens digging up bugs in the yard. Most of all? I sit and find beautiful things on the internet and think hey, I want that.

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