Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Somethings Missing
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh No, It's Not for Me It's For the Baby!

Organic Cloth Diapers by Sarahs Vine. I don't think I'll be able to make all the cloth diapers we'll need, but we'll see.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wishing I could do this. Found at Sycamore Street Press, made by Freshly Picked. Two new blogs I found while I could be washing dishes at putter speed.
Considering breaking out of my house arrest and hitchhiking to town to do some thrift shopping.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Go Crazy? Don't Mind If I Do!
I have been writing out many many lists, furniture to be rearranged, clothes to sew, how to optimize our storage spaces, canning to try, what to do with the garden, recipes to try, furniture to refinish, projects for next year, colour schemes for each room, and these are just a few not even touching on baby or business lists. Of course when you’re trying to stay calm and keep your blood pressure down it thinking of all the things you can’t do doesn’t help.
So, what have I been up to? I am allowed to slowly putter so I’ve starter a few projects for the baby room. I’ve been hand sewing a flying pig mobile, choosing fabric for some old couch cushions we’re going to use as floor pillows in anticipation of all the time we will soon be spending on the hard wood floor. I sit at the table and prep vegetables for Matt as he fills up our freezer for the winter and tells me to sit back down and stop doing things. I gaze out the window at our chickens digging up bugs in the yard. Most of all? I sit and find beautiful things on the internet and think hey, I want that.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What a Blur
Yes, we have been doing the market this year, however my energy is not what it once was. Bread by Matt has been more of the focus for us, and Matt and I did start up a second blog for our joint business, called Taste and Texture (get it he's all about food, and I'm all about fabric...). Other news? We have 4 wonderful chickens squawking about in the back yard, who are encouraging me for childbirth. If these ladies can lay and egg every day, how hard can it be? GULP.
So, I promise to blog once a week, at least until the baby comes. And I am sorry it's been so long.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Something From the Store: Lentils
1 1/2 Cups Lentils du Puy
1/2 Cup Each Chopped Onion, Cellery and Carrots
3-4 Garlic Cloves
Red Wine of Choice
3-4 Cups (ish) Veg Stock
3 Bay Leaves
4 Cloves
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Plenty is "an eclectic emporium of fine foods and other goods." Pretty much you name it Plenty has it, crafts, books, tea, coffee, magazines, cardboard sculptures, pottery, random awesomeness... it never ends. And now for the last few months I have been lucky enough to be a part of it.
I thought it was going to be an added stress, but given the chaos the our lives have been in, it has been a glowing haven, a calm in the storm if you will. Sure I spend way more money than I'm making there, and yes I have gained an unhealthy addiction to the best brownies ever to grace the earth, but it's worth it.
And coming soon, I'll be doing posts about some of the foo I'm bringing home and how we've been cooking it. First up French Lentils, later today...
19 Days Too Late
Here I am 19 days after the fact, but here none the less and with one bag up resolution! I resolve to blog. Yes that's right fans (um, Dad and hmmm, Anna?) you once again have a window into my life.
Other resolutions?
To finish this darned basement and never think of it again.
To take more pictures. (and then I dropped the camera in the cats water dish...)
To hanker back down at the sewing machine and make some pretty things.
To make our new house our home, rearranging furniture, painting, flea market hunting, over and over until it's perfect. Poor Matt.
Also I have decided that I could right one hell of a Sci-Fi novel if I have the attention span to do so... I mean anyone could write Sci-Fi, right? And so I have resolved to consider doing such a thing, maybe.