Yes, even the poor can have beautiful things surrounding them. Some art doesn't cost thousands of dollars. Lately I have been blessed to have
Vil beside me at the Moss Street Market. Her art is quirky, colourful and amazing. This is the most talented artist EVER!!! So we're pretty much buying one every week as it is all under priced. And she is just as awesome as her art is! Example... you my have seen my sweetheart biking around sporting a new bike trailer which she graciously gave us as she is *sob sob* leaving the province. Anyway, check it out, Disco Bunnies and Pelican (which I've been calling Pelicant because I'm so very very funny)
Now I can't brag about my beautiful art painted by beautiful people without mentioning
Rachel Ann Austin. I was beside her at the One of a Kind Vancouver show this last November and felt like I was meeting a celebrity as I stocked her online every chance I got... not that I do that sort of thing...
It worked out well as Matt loves anything map related and I love anything pretty so we scored and every day it brings me joy.

Moral of this story boys and girls, find yourselves some local artist to support and to bring you joy.
yay for local art! I like sea life.
Great to see you yesterday! I walked to your house earlyish today to drop off an invitation. Your blinds were all drawn so I didn't knock. Go to your mail box :-)
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